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for corrections (please): amuk@sprachrohr.ch

KW 16:

Das Reich Gottes ist mitten unter euch (sagte Jesus zu seinen ´Jüngern´) (wer es in der Welt sucht, wird es nicht finden).



Psalm 70 of 'interlinear' (english):

1 For one making it permanent; to David to remember of. Elohim, rescue me; Yahweh, hurry to my help! 2 Ones seeking my soul shall be ashamed & abashed, turned away backward & be confounded; desiring ones of my evil. 3 The ones saying: Aha! Aha! Shall turn back on consequence of their shame. 4 all ones seeking you shall be elated & rejoice in you & continually say: Elohim shall be magnified of ones loving your salvation. 5 & I (am) humble & needy; Elohim, hurry to my help! & one delivering of me (are) you, Yahweh; must not be you are delaying. 

Psalm 71 of 'interlinear' (english):

1 In you, Yahweh, I take refuge; must not be, I am ashamed, for eon. 2 In your righteousness you shall rescue & deliver me; stretch out your ear to & save me! 3 Become to me for rock; (a) habitation to come to continually; you instructed to save me; that my crag & fastness (are) you. 4 My Elohim: deliver me from hand of wicked one, from clutch of one committing iniquity & one being sour. 5 that you (are) my expectation, my Lord, Yahweh, my trust from my youths. 6 On you I am supported from belly; from bowels of my mother you (are the) one shearing me; in you (is) my praise continually. 7 I became as (a) miracle to many ones & you are my refuge, strength. 8 my mouth is filled (with) your praise; all the day; your beauty. 9 must not be you are flinging me away to time of old age, as to finish of my vigor; must not be you are forsaking me. 10 that my enemies say to me & ones observing of my soul counsel together. 11 to say: Elohim forsook him; pursue & grasp him! That there is no one rescuing. 12 Elohim, must not be you are far from me; my Elohim, hurry to my help! 


Psalm 72 of 'interlinear' (english):

1 To Solomon; Elohim, give your judgments to (the) king & your righteousness to (the) son of (the) king. 2 he shall adjudicate your people in righteousness & your humble ones in judgment. 3 Mountains & hills shall bear peace for people in righteousness. 4 he shall judge humble ones of people, save sons of needy one & crush one extorting. 5 Generation of generations shall fear you with sun & to faces of moon. 6 He shall descend as rain on mowing, as showers drenching earth. 7 (A/the) righteous one shall bud in his days & abundance of peace, until no moon. 8 & he shall hold sway from sea unto sea & from stream unto limits of earth. 9 To his faces shall bow ones from arid places & his enemies shall lick up soil. 10 Kings of Tarshish & coast lands shall recompense present, kings of Sheba & Seba shall bring levy near. 11 All kings & nations shall bow down to, serve him. 12 that he shall rescue needy, imploring & humble one (& there is no one helping for him). 13 he shall be (a) refuge on (the/a) poor & needy & save (the) souls of (the) needy ones. 14 from fraud & violence he shall redeem their soul & their blood shall be precious in his eyes. 15 and he shall live; & he shall give to him from gold of Sheba & pray about him continually; all the day he shall bless him. 16 Limit of cereal shall become in earth, summit of mountains; fruit of Lebanon shall rustle as herbage of the earth & blossom from city. 17 His name shall become for eon to faces of sun, his name shall propagate, be propagated & all nations shall bless themselves in him, call him happy. 18 Yahweh Elohim, Elohim of Israel, doing marvelous things; blessed him alone. 19 & blessed name of his glory for eon & his glory shall fill all the earth; amen & amen. 20 (The) prayers of David, son of Jesse, are concluded. 



Während des amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskriegs lebte in Pennsylvania Peter Miller. Er war in sehr geschätzt, hatte aber einen Nachbarn, der ihn hasste und ihm manche Kränkungen zufügte. Eines Tages wurde dieser Nachbar verhaftet und in der Stadt Philadelphia wegen Landesverrats zum Tod verurteilt. Als das Urteil bekannt wurde, begab sich Miller unverzüglich zu General Washington, dem späteren ersten Präsidenten der USA. Miller setzte sich lebhaft für den Todeskandidaten ein, aber Washington entgegnete: „Es tut mir leid, aber ich kann ihren Freund nicht begnadigen." - „Meinen Freund?", rief Miller aus. „Dieser Mann ist der größte Feind, den ich auf der Welt habe!" - „Was?", fragte Washington erstaunt, „Sie sind ganze 60 Meilen gelaufen, um das Leben eines Feindes zu retten? Dann stellt sich die Sache doch anders dar. Um Ihretwillen soll er begnadigt werden." Miller erhielt die Begnadigungsurkunde und begab sich damit noch einmal auf einen Fußweg von 15 Meilen, um die für den Nachmittag angesetzt Hinrichtung noch zu verhindern. Gerade rechtzeitig kam er an der Stätte an. Der Verurteilte erkannte ihn und rief bitter: „Ha, Miller, bist du so weit gereist, um Rache zu nehmen und mich hängen zu sehen?" Wie erstaunt war er dann, als Miller ihm das Dokument reichte, das ihm das Leben schenkte!




von: bahnhofkirche.ch (aktuelles Weg-Wort): 

Feiern Sie gerne Geburtstag? In letzter Zeit häufen sich hier die sogenannt runden Geburtstage. 30; 40; 60; und von allen Seiten hört man: Jetzt bin ich schon sooo alt. Unter 20 – oder 18 - kann man es kaum erwarten endlich volljährig und erwachsen zu sein. Danach sieht es plötzlich anders aus. Alt werden wird schon fast zur Bedrohung. So werden die runden Geburtstage zwar häufig gefeiert, aber immer mit einem kleinen Wermutstropfen. Das muss nicht so sein. Vor kurzem rief ich eine Bekannte an, sie wird bald 97, sie hat sich riesig gefreut über den Anruf und wir haben lange geplaudert. Sie lebt noch alleine in ihrem Haus, die Spitex kommt zweimal täglich, die Kinder gehen regelmässig einkaufen und sie ist zufrieden. Diese Zufriedenheit und Dankbarkeit für das lange Leben faszinieren mich. Kein Gejammer über die Altersbeschwerden, höchstens ein Feststellen, dass dies und das nicht mehr funktioniert, dass man langsamer wird. Aber da ist auch die reiche Erfahrung, die vielen Erinnerungen an das lange Leben. Es war nicht immer einfach. Schicksalsschläge verschonen niemanden. Aber die Frau strömt eine Zufriedenheit aus, dass es ansteckend wirkt. Wenn sie erzählt, werden frühere Zeiten lebendig, bekommen Ereignisse ein Gesicht. So möchte ich auch alt werden, denke ich dann jeweils. Und natürlich hätte ich auch gerne ein Rezept wie das geht. Aber das ist wohl nicht zu haben. Nur etwas wurde mir immer bewusst im Gespräch mit der alten Dame: Ihre Lebens-Weisheit besteht wohl darin, nicht das halbleere Glas zu sehen, sondern das halbvolle. Wünschen wir uns, dass dies auch uns gelingt.



Psalm 73 of 'interlinear' (english):

1 Psalm; to Asaph; yea, Elohim (is) good to Israel, to pure ones of heart. 2 'But' I, as little my feet turned, be turned aside; as nothing were shed my progresses. 3 That I was jealous in the ones boasting; I am seeing well being of wicked ones. 4 That there is no hindrances to their death & plump their physique. 5 There is no them in toil of mortal & with human not they are touched. 6 Therefore pride is them (as a) necklace; (a) burnoose is to them draping (of) violence. 7 Their eye protrudes from fat, they pass fancies of heart. 8 They are belittling & speaking in evil extortion; from height. 9 They set their mouth in heavens & their tongue is going in earth. 10 Therefore is turning away his people hither & waters of (a/the) full are wrung out to them. 11 & they say: how ´El´ (the great/strong/God) knows & there is knowledge in supreme one? 12 Behold, these (are the) wicked ones & at ease of eon, they make huge estate! 13 Yea, for nought I purged my heart & washing in innocency my palms. 14 & I am touched all the day & my correction to mornings. 15 If I said: ´I shall recount likewise!´; behold, (to the) generation of your sons I was treacherous. 16 & I am attempting to realize this: (a heavy) toil in my eyes. 17 Until I am coming to sanctuaries of El, understanding their hereafter. 18 Yea, in slippery places you shall set them; cast them to futilities. 19 How they become to desolation! [As] (in a) moment they are swept away, come to (an) end from decadences. 20 As (a) dream from awaken, my Lord shall plunder in rouse their image. 21 That (when) my heart is soured & my kidneys vacillated. 22 I (was) irrational & not knowing; (as the) beasts I became with you. 23 & I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. 24 You are guiding me in your counsel & afterward you shall take me (in/to) glory. 25 Who is to me in heavens? & except you not I desire in earth. 26 (When) my flesh & my heart finishes: (the) rock of my heart & my portion (is) Elohim for eon. 27 That, behold, far ones of you shall perish; you efface all (the) one(s) prostituting from you. 28 & I: nearness of Elohim (is) good to me; I set my refuge in my Lord, Yahweh; to recount all (the) works of you. 

von: bahnhofkirche.ch (aktuelles Weg-Wort): 

Die Ferienwoche auf einer ostfriesischen Insel in der Nordsee geht langsam aber unweigerlich zu Ende. Wir überlegen uns, was wir als Mitbringsel unseren Liebsten mitbringen wollen. Sanddornbonbons für unsere zu Hause gebliebenen Töchter, einen ortstypischen Likör für eine gute Freundin. In solcher Einkaufsstimmung gehen wir an einem Kleiderladen vorbei. Unser Sohn zeigt zum Spaß auf die ausgelegten, typisch norddeutschen Schiffermützen. Meine Frau nimmt die Anregung auf und setzt mir einen dunkelblauen «Elbsegler» auf den Kopf. Nach einem kurzen Blick in den Spiegel denke ich: «Nein, sowas würde ich niemals freiwillig anziehen!» Aber meine Frau ist begeistert. Sie fängt an, auf mich einzureden, unterstützt von der Ladenbesitzerin. Ich riskiere einen zweiten und einen dritten Blick in den Spiegel. Zum Spaß entstehen noch ein paar Handyfotos. Und je länger je mehr merke ich: «Diese Mütze passt zu mir, auch wenn ich das nie gedacht hätte.» Wir zahlen und die Verkäuferin sagt mit einem verschmitzten Lächeln: «Man muss Männer manchmal zu ihrem Glück zwingen.» Jemanden zum Glück zwingen. Für einen Moment schrecke ich vor dieser Formulierung zurück. Ich muss daran denken, wie in totalitären Systemen – auch in religiösen – Menschen zu ihrem vermeintlichen Glück gezwungen wurden. Aber in der konkret beschriebenen Situation überwiegt tatsächlich das Gefühl von Zufriedenheit und Glück: Es gibt etwas, das zu mir passt, das mir guttut, worauf ich selber nie gekommen wäre. Wenn das nicht Glück ist!



Psalm 74 from 'interlinear' (english):

1 (A) contemplating; to Asaph; to what, Elohim you cast off, to permanence your anger shall smolder in flock of your pasture? 2 Remember your congregation, you acquired, redeemed aforetime; (the) tribe of your allotment, (the) mountain of Zion! This (where) you tabernacled in [him]. 3 Raise up your footings to futilities of permanence, all (the/a) enemy did evil in (a/the) sanctuary! 4 Your foes roar in your appointed place; they place their ensigns (as/for) signs. 5 He is known as one wielding upward hatchets in thicket of tree. 6 & now they are beating her engraved panels altogether in crowbar & bills. 7 They send up in fire your sanctuary, profane (the) tabernacle of your name to earth. 8 They say in their heart: we shall tyrannize them together; they burn all appointed places of El in (the) land. 9 our signs we see not, there is no further (a) prophet & not one knowing with us: until what? 10 Until when, Elohim, shall reproach (a/the) foe, spurn (a/the) enemy your name; to permanence? 11 To what you are turning back your hand & your right hand? From within of your bosom, finish! 12 & Elohim is my king from aforetime, contriving salvations in within of the earth. 13 You partitioned in your strength sea, broke heads of monsters on the waters. 14 You bruised heads of dragon giving him (as) food to people, (to) ones of arid places. 15 You rent spring & watercourse, dried up perennial streams. 16 To you day, indeed, to you night; you established luminary & sun. 17 You stationed all boundaries of earth; summer & winter: you formed them. 18 Remember: this enemy reproached Yahweh & (a) decadent people spurned your name! 19 Must not be you are giving to animal (the) soul of your turtledove, (the) life of your humble ones; must not be you are forgetting to permanence. 20 Look to (the) covenant! That haunts of violence fill (the) dark places of (the) land. 21 Must not be (the) crushed one is turning away confounded; (the) humble & needy one shall praise your name. 22 Arise, Elohim! contend your contention! Remember your reproach from decadent all the day! 23 Must not be you are forgetting (the) voice of your foes, (the) tumult of ones rising (against) you is ascending continually. 


Psalm 75 from 'interlinear' (english):

1 For one making it permanent; must not be you are bringing ruin; psalm; to Asaph; song; we acclaim to you, Elohim, near your name we acclaim & recount your marvelous things. 2 That (when) I am taking appointed time; I shall judge equities. 3 Dissolved (is/will get) earth & all dwelling of her; I regulate her columns (interlude). 4 I say to ones boasting: 'must not be you are boasting' & to wicked: 'must not be you are exalting horn'. 5 Must not be you are exalting to height your horn, speaking in neck impertinent. 6 That not from coming forth (of the sun; so: east) & (not) from west & not from wilderness (comes) to exalt. 7 That Elohim one judging: this one he is abasing & this one exalting. 8 That cup in hand of Yahweh & wine is turbid full blend & he shall spill from this; yea, lees of her; they shall squeeze, drink all wicked ones of earth. 9 & I am telling for eon, shall make melody to Elohim of Jacob. 10 & all horns of wicked ones I shall hack down; horns of righteous one shall be exalted.


Psalm 76 from 'interlinear' (english):

1 For one making it permanent; in accompaniments; psalm; to Asaph; song;  Elohim is known in Judah, Israel, great is his name. 2 & his covert is in Salem & his habitation in Zion. 3 There he breaks sirocco like arrows of bow, shield & sword & battle (interlude). 4 One giving light you, noble from mountain ranges of prey. 5 sturdy ones of heart are slooted, slumber their sleep & not find any of mortals of valor their hands. 6 from your rebuke, Elohim of Jacob, (as) one is stupefied & chariot & horse. 7 You being feared & who shall stand to your faces? From then your anger. 8 From heavens you announced adjudication: earth feared & was quiet. 9 In Elohim to rise for judgment, save all humble ones of earth (interlude). 10 That fury of human is acclaiming you, remainder of furies you shall gird. 11 Vow & pay to Yahweh, your Elohim, all round about him shall fetch indemnity to (the) one fear inspiring. 12 He shall restrict spirit of governors, one feared to kings of earth. 


Psalm 77 from 'interlinear' (english):

1 For one making it permanent; on Jeduthun; to Asaph; psalm. My voice to Elohim & I am crying out; my voice to Elohim & he gives ear to me. 2 In day of my distress, I inquired my Lord; my hand is stirred & not torpid (at) night; my soul refused to be consoled. 3 I am remembering Elohim & clamoring, meditating & my spirit is drooping (interlude). 4 you held guardians of my eyes; I was agitated & not I am speaking. 5 I took account days from aforetime, years of eons. 6 I am remembering my accompaniment in night, with my heart I am meditating & my spirit is searching. 7 Shall my Lord cast off for eons & not add to approve further? 8 He limited his kindness to permanence, lapsed saying for generation & generation? 9 El forgot to be gracious or shut off in anger his compassions? (interlude) 10 & I am saying: to beseech me, years of right hand of supreme one. 11 I shall record, remember actions of Ie; that I shall remember from aforetime your marvelous deed. 12 & I soliloquize in all your contrivance & meditate in your actions. 13 Elohim: in holiness is your way; who is (an) El, great as Elohim? 14 You (are) the one El doing of marvel, you made known in peoples your strength. 15 You redeemed your people, (the) sons of Jacob & Joseph (interlude). 16 (The) waters saw you (the) waters, Elohim, they saw you, they are travailing; indeed, abysses are disturbed. 17 waters were made to storm down, thick clouds voice gave, skies; indeed, your arrows are going about. 18 (The) sound of your thunder, in cyclone lit up lightnings habitance; the earth was disturbed & is quaking. 19 In sea is your way & your trail in many waters & your heel prints were not known. 20 You guided your people as (a) flock (through the) hand of Moses & Aaron. 



von: bahnhofkirche.ch (aktuelles Weg-Wort): 

Apartheid ist ein Wort aus dem Afrikaans und bedeutet Gesondertheit, Trennung. Apartheid ist aber auch eine geschichtliche Periode der staatlich festgelegten und organisierten so genannten Rassentrennung in Südafrika. Seitdem die Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen im Dezember 1973 die „Konvention zur Bekämpfung und Ahndung des Verbrechens der Apartheid“ angenommen hat, gilt diese als Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. Kaum zu glauben, noch vor etwas mehr als 40 Jahren gab es in Südafrika Schulen nur für Weisse, an der Bushaltestelle Bänke nur für Weisse. Rassentrennung, Rassendiskriminierung war alltäglich, gesellschaftlich genehmigt. Und wo stehen wir heute? Vor einigen Monaten hiess es „America first“. Ich zuerst, wir zuerst. Was unterscheidet diese Haltung eigentlich von der Apartheid, welche seit 1973 als Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit angesehen wird? Ich zuerst, wir zuerst ist ein Aufruf unsolidarisch zu sein gegenüber anderen Menschen. So entsteht Apartheid, Gesondertheit, Trennung. Ich möchte niemandem Unterstellen ein Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit zu begehen. Aber ich glaube wir müssen mit unserer Sprache etwas vorsichtiger umgehen. Worte und Wörter generieren eine Wirklichkeit, die wir vielleicht gar nicht wollen. Die Geschichte zeigt uns immer wieder, wohin Ausschluss, Trennung, Diskriminierung führen. Ich bin zuversichtlich dass wir es schaffen gemeinsam an einer Welt zu bauen wo keine Zäune und Apartheid nötig sind. Naiv? Vielleicht. Aber die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.



Psalm 78 from 'interlinear' (english):

1 Contemplating to Asaph; give ear, my people (to) my law! Stretch out your ear to sayings of my mouth! 2 I shall open in proverb my mouth, utter enigmas from aforetime. 3 Which we heard & are knowing them & our fathers recounted us. 4 not we shall suppress from their sons to next generation recounting praises of Yahweh & his strength & deeds, being marveled of him, which he did. 5 & he is setting up (a) testimony in Jacob & placed law; which he instructed in Israel, our fathers; to make them their sons known. 6 so that they shall know, next generation, (the) sons (that) shall be born, rise & shall recount to their sons. 7 & they shall place in Elohim their confidence & not forget (the) actions of El & preserve his instructions. 8 & they not shall become as their fathers, (a) generation stubborn & rebellious, not his heart established & not was faithful with El, his spirit. 9 (The) sons of Ephraim: bearing weapon; ones raising bow, turned back in day of attack. 10 They not kept (the) covenant of Elohim & they refused to go in his law. 11 & they are forgetting his activities & (the) deeds, marveled of him, which he showed them. 12 He did marvel(s) in front of their fathers, in (the) land of Egypt, field of Zoan. 13 He rent (the) sea & is causing them to pass over & making (the) waters stand up like waterspout. 14 & he is guiding them in (a) cloud by day & all the night in light of fire. 15 He is splitting rocks in wilderness & giving (them) to drink as abysses, abundant. 16 & he is bringing forth floods from (a) crag & making descend waters as streams. 17 & they are adding further to sin to him, to rebel (against the) supreme one; in arid place. 18 & they are probing El in their heart, to ask food for their soul. 19 & they are speaking (about) Elohim, say: is El able to arrange (a) table in (the) wilderness? 20 Behold, he smote (a) rock & waters are gushing out & watercourses overflowing; shall he be moreover able to give bread or prepare meat for his people? 21 Therefore Yahweh heard & is enraged & fire was ignited in Jacob & moreover anger ascended in Israel. 22 that not they believed in Elohim & not trusted in his salvation. 23 and he is instructing (the) skies from above & opened (the) double doors of heavens. 24 & is raining manna on them, to eat & gave them grain of heavens. 25 Man ate bread of sturdy ones; he sent them provision to satisfaction. 26 He is making journey (an) east wind in heavens & driving forth in his strength (a) south wind. 27 and he is raining on them as soil meat & as sand of seas flyer of wing. 28 & he is casting down within of his camp, roundabout, to his tabernacles. 29 & they are eating & surfeited exceedingly & their yearning he is bringing to them. 30 not they were alienated from their yearning; still their food in their mouth. 31 & anger of Elohim ascended in them & he is killing in their stout & choice ones of Israel he caused to bow down. 32 in all this they sinned still & not believed in his marveled deeds. 33 & he is finishing in vanity their days & years in panic. 34 whenever he killed them & they inquired him & returned & sought El early. 35 & they are remembering that Elohim their rock & El, supreme one, their redeemer. 36 & they are enticing him in their mouth & tongue, lying to him. 37 & not established their heart with him & not they were faithful in his covenant. 38 and he, compassionate, is making propitiatory shelter (over/for their) depravity & not bringing ruin & many times acted to reverse his anger & not rousing all his fury. 39 & he is remembering, that they are flesh; wind going & not returning. 40 As what (how often) they are defying him in (the/a) wilderness, grieving him in (the/a) desolation. 41 & they are returning & probing El & (the) holy one of Israel they set (as a) mark. 42 Not they remembered his hand, (the) day which he ransomed them from (a/the) foe. 43 His signs, which he placed in Egypt & his miracles in (the) field of Zoan. 44 & he is turning their waterways to blood & ones flowing (in) them no are (for) drinking. 45 He is sending in them mixture of flies & devouring them & frog is ruining them. 46 & he is giving to (a/the) beetle their crop & their labor to (a/the) locust. 47 He is killing in (the) hail their vine & mulberry trees in (the) sleet. 48 & he is surrendering to (a/the) hail their livestock & their cattles to (the) siroccos. 49 & he is sending in them (the) heat of his anger: rage & indignation & distress; mission of evils. 50 He is pondering track for his anger, not kept their soul from death & their life he surrendered to (a/the) plague. 51 & he is smiting every of firstborn in Egypt; (the) beginning of virilities in (the) tents of Ham. 52 & he is making to journey as (a/the) flock his people & leading them as (a/the) drove in (the) wilderness. 53 & he is guiding them to trusting & not they were afraid & the sea covered their enemies. 54 & he is bringing them to (the) boundary of his holiness: this mountain, his right hand acquired. 55 & he is driving out from their faces nations & is causing to cast them lots in line of allotment & (caused the) tribes of Israel (to) tabernacle in their tents. 56 & they are probing & defying Elohim, (the) supreme one & kept not his testimonies. 57 & they are turning away & treacherous as their fathers; they were warped as (a/the) bow of deceit. 58 & they are provoking him to vexation (through) their high places & their carvings; making him jealous. 59 Elohim heard & is enraged & rejecting Israel utterly. 60 & he is abandoning (the) tabernacle of Siloh, (the) tent (where) he tabernacled in (the) human. 61 & he is giving his strength to captivity & his beauty in hand of (a/the) foe. 62 & he is surrendering his people to (the) sword & was enraged in his allotment. 63 fire devoured his choice young men & his virgins were not praised. 64 His priests fell in sword & his widows are not lamenting. 65 & my Lord is awakening as one sleeping, as (a) masterful man, one jubilant from wine. 66 & he is smiting his foes backward; reproach of eon he gave to them. 67 & he is rejecting tent of Joseph & tribe of Ephraim he not choose. 68 & he is choosing tribe of Judah, mountain of Zion, which he loves. 69 & he is building like ones high his sanctuary, founded it as (the) earth. 70 & he is choosing David his servant & he is taking him from folds of flock. 71 From after ones unweaning he brought him, to shepherd his people Jacob & his allotment Israel. 72 & he is shepherding them as sincerity of his hand & guiding them in understandings of his palms.



von: bahnhofkirche.ch (aktuelles Weg-Wort):

Kennen Sie Hermann Gmeiner? Ehrlich gesagt ich kannte diesen Namen bis vor kurzem nicht. Hermann Gmeiner lebte von 1919-1986 und ihm verdanken wir die Gründung der SOS-Kinderdörfer. Diese private, soziale Initiative ermöglicht heute in 125 Staaten und 343 SOS-Kinderdörfern elternlosen und heimatlosen Kindern ein Leben in Gemeinschaften. Nicht nur Betreuung und Erziehung erleben die Kinder in den familiären Strukturen, auch Lehrwerkstätten und Jugendeinrichtungen stehen den Jugendlichen offen. Da war ein Mensch mit einer Idee, die Idee wurde Wirklichkeit, die Wirklichkeit fand Nachahmung. Ein schönes Beispiel. Nicht immer gelingt es, eine Idee umzusetzen und Nachahmer zu finden. Woran liegt das? Es gibt sicher viele Gründe weshalb das eine Projekt gelingt und ein anderes nicht, aber mir scheint, dass wir oft zu ungeduldig sind. Ungeduldig mit uns selber und ungeduldig mit unseren Mitmenschen. Alles muss schnell gehen, subito: Arbeiten, Essen, Freizeit und so weiter. Wo bleibt die Musse? Wo bleibt die Zähigkeit? Dranbleiben an einer Idee, auch wenn um mich herum alle sagen: Du spinnst. Nachhaltigkeit hat etwas zu tun mit den nächsten Generationen. Nicht nur heute leben, konsumieren, geniessen. Auch an zukünftige Generationen denken, welche auch ein Anrecht auf Leben in Fülle haben. Was für Vorbilder sind wir unseren Kindern und Jugendlichen? Was für Werte möchte ich weitergeben an die nächste Generation? Was tue ich, damit ich Vorbild bin, damit Werte weitergetragen werden? Wir müssen ja nicht gleich SOS-Kinderdörfer gründen, aber vielleicht gelingt es uns, im Kleinen Gutes zu tun, damit die Welt um mich herum ein Stück lebenswerter wird, damit das Schöne und Gute, welches mir im Leben geschenkt wurde, eine Wirkung zeigt. Negativschlagzeilen gibt es täglich genug zu lesen und zu hören. Geben wir Gegensteuer. Heute. Nur ein klein wenig.



Psalm 79 from 'interlinear' (english): 

1 Psalm; to Asaph; Elohim, nations entered in your allotment, defiled (the) temple of your holiness, placed Jerusalem to rubbish heaps. 2 They gave (a/the) carcass of your servants (as) food to flyer of the heavens; flesh of your kindly ones to animal of earth. 3 They poured out their blood as waters roundabout Jerusalem & there is no one entombing. 4 We are reproach to our neighbors; derision & scoffing to roundabout us. 5 Until what, Yahweh, you shall be angry? To permanence shall your jealousy consume like fire? 6 Pour out your fury to the nations, which not know you & on (the) kingdoms which in your name not call! 7 That he devoured Jacob & they desolated his homestead. 8 Must not be you are remembering to us former depravities, make haste! Your compassions shall forestall us; that we are very impoverished. 9 Help us, Elohim of our salvation! On matter of (the) glory of your name & rescue us & make propitiatory shelter over our sins on account of your name! 10 To what shall the nations say: where is their Elohim? (The) vengeance of (the) shed blood of your servants shall be known in the nations to our eyes. 11 (The) groaning of (a) prisoner shall come to your faces, as greatness of your arm; reserve sons of death! 12 & turn back to our neighbors sevenfold to their bosom; their reproach, (to them) which reproached you, my Lord. 13 & we, your people & flock of your pasture; we shall acclaim to you for eon.