Genesis 3

1 and the serpent became crafty from all animal of the field which Yahweh Elohim made and is saying to the woman: indeed that Elohim said: not you shall eat from every tree of the garden. 2 and the woman is saying to the serpent: from fruit of tree of the garden we are eating. 3 and from fruit of the tree which in midst of the garden Elohim said: not you shall eat from him, and not you shall touch in him; lest you shall die. 4 and the serpent is saying to the woman: not to die you shall die. 5 that knowing Elohim that in day to eat of you from him and eyes of you are unclosed; and you become as Elohim: knowing good and evil. 6 and the woman is seeing that the tree good for food, and that yearning he to eyes, and being coveted the tree, to gain insight; and she is taking from his fruit and is eating, and is giving moreover to her man, and he is eating. 7 and eyes of them two are being unclosed; and they are knowing, that naked ones they; and they are sewing leaf of fig, and are making for themselves girdles. 8 and they are hearing sound of Yahweh Elohim walking in garden to wind of the day; and the human is hiding himself and his woman from faces of Yahweh Elohim, in midst of tree of the garden. 9 and Yahweh Elohim is calling to the human, and is saying to him: where you? 10 and he is saying: I heard your sound in garden; and I am fearing, that naked I; and hiding. 11 and he is saying: who told you, that you naked? From the tree, which I instructed you, to so as not to eat from him you ate? 12 and the human is saying: the woman, whom you gave with me, she gave to me from the tree, and I am eating. 13 and Yahweh Elohim is saying to woman: what this you did? And the woman is saying: the serpent lured me; and I am eating. 14 and Yahweh Elohim is saying to the serpent: that you did this, being cursed you from every the domestic beast, and from every animal of the field; on torso of you you shall go, and soil you shall eat all days of your lives. 15 and I shall set enmity between you and the woman and your seed and between her seed; he shall hurt you head and you shall hurt him heel.

16 to the woman he said: to increase I shall increase your grief and your pregnancy; in grief you shall bear sons, and to your man your impulse; and he shall rule in you.

17 and to Adam he said: that you listened to voice of your woman; and you are eating from the tree, which I instructed you to say: not you shall eat from him, being cursed the ground in account of you; in grief you shall eat her all days of your lives. 18 and thorn and weed she shall sprout for you; and you eat herbage of the field. 19 in sweat of your nostrils you shall eat bread until to return of you to the ground; that from her you were taken; that soil you and to soil you shall return. 20  and the human is calling name of his woman: Eve (that she becomes mother of all living one). 21 and Yahweh Elohim is making for Adam and for his woman tunics of skin; and he is clothing them. 22 and Yahweh Elohim is saying: behold, the human became as one from us; to know of good and evil; and now: lest he shall stretch out his hand and takes moreover from tree of the lives, and eats and lives for eon. 23 and Yahweh Elohim is sending him from garden Eden to serve the ground, which he was taken from there. 24 and he is driving out the human; and he is causing to tabernacle from east to garden of Eden the cherubim and flame of the sword the one turning to guard way of tree of the lives.